Unleash Quality Care With Otto Care
Now introducing Otto Care — a ground-breaking new addition to Otto’s suite of veterinary workflow and communication solutions. With a focus on accessibility, improved patient outcomes, and driving veterinary hospitals’ economic growth, Care offers a broad spectrum of benefits for both veterinary practices and pet owners.
Chris Mole, DVM and Medical Director at United Veterinary Care, states, “What I like most about Care is that [clients are] able to afford a treatment plan more easily and make payments. It also helps to bond the client with the practice – They’re more likely to revisit and then their pets are more likely to get better care.”
Otto Care empowers veterinarians to strategically drive their goals and initiatives while improving patient care and client satisfaction. This thoughtfully designed program offers a swift set-up process, simplified member management, and smart enrollment systems, so veterinary teams can focus on what matters most — caring for pets.
This blog covers all the need-to-know information about Otto’s Care Memberships and how they can benefit your clinic and clients.
Benefits of Care
Care Memberships are mutually beneficial to both veterinary clinics and their clients. For patients, Care offers personalized and bundled pet care options – providing individualized attention and services to pets based on their unique needs. This approach really celebrates that every pet’s annual needs look different, so pet parents can choose their level of Care accordingly and rest assured that their pet will get the care they need.
For clinics, it’s simple! Spend more time doing medicine, and less time convincing clients to do what’s recommended. Care Memberships remove the financial barriers so many pet parents face when getting their pet necessary care.
Melissa Ribeiro, Remote Customer Service Representative at Adobe Animal Hospital,notes, “In my experience, Care can turn a negative experience into a positive experience within just a couple of words.”
So much of the clinic staff’s time is spent on client education — explaining why they should move forward with the care that is recommended — it eats away at their most valuable commodity — time! When clinics offer Care Memberships, clients are more likely to say yes to recommendations — increasing compliance, visits, and revenue.
In the short time since Care has launched we have seen tremendous success. Our data shows that Care Memberships have boosted participating clinics’ client spend by over 119% within the first 100 days of being enrolled. Doctors say that Care Memberships have improved their relationships with clients, and clinic leaders report that clients with pets on plans visit more frequently and say yes to more diagnostic recommendations like ultrasounds, x-rays, and bloodwork.
Melissa Feldman, DVM and Area Medical Advisor for UVC notes, “From a veterinary perspective, we feel that [Care] creates motivation for better patient compliance and as a veterinarian. That’s really one of the big things we care about — we just want to get that compliance.”
Care provides four core benefits the help veterinary practices enhance their customer loyalty, boost their bottom line, and improve the overall well-being of the pets they serve:
1. Health exams
According to the Bayer study, 24% of pet owners don’t believe routine check-ups are necessary, and 39% of pet owners consult Internet sources before asking their veterinarians about care for their pets.
However, wellness exams are crucial for early diagnosis of diseases and can lead to your pet having a longer and happier life. Pets wellness should be at the top of mind for any owner in this day and age.
Care Memberships provide pet parents with access to regular health exams, enabling veterinarians to proactively monitor the pet’s health, detect potential issues early on, and provide timely interventions for better long-term outcomes.
2. Instant account credit
Meet more pets’ needs with the flexibility of an instant account credit. Pet parents enrolled in Care Memberships receive an instant account credit they can use toward any services or products offered by your clinic. This feature not only adds convenience for pet parents but also encourages them to seek necessary, recommended care earlier and without financial constraints.
Care Memberships are unique in that they provide more flexible coverage that pivots as pet needs change, whereas other Membership plans tend to restrict what treatment plans are covered by a given plan. This is just another way Care is dedicated to personalizing the plan for each pet’s unique needs.
3. Bonus discount
Care Memberships offer a bonus discount on various services, treatments, and products. When clients have unexpected expenses, Care Memberships provide a lasting benefit that makes those additional expenses more affordable. This incentivizes pet parents to maintain their pets’ health and well-being, all while strengthening the bond between the veterinary practice and its clients.
4. 24/7 Teletriage
In partnership with Chronos, a leading virtual veterinary care provider, Care Memberships provide pet parents with round-the-clock access to experienced veterinary professionals through a convenient live chat feature. Pet parents receive prompt advice and support, even outside of regular clinic hours. This enhanced experience and accessibility raises clients’ overall satisfaction with your practice.
Care for your clinic
Shawna Castillo, Director of Care, notes, “Care really diminishes the administrative burdens typically associated with veterinary care plans. We offer a single source of support through Flow — meaning enrollment, benefit consumption, and reporting are all centralized. I know first-hand how time consuming ‘selling’ care plans can be, which is why we also offer a robust, clinic-branded, and complimentary marketing launch kit which has been instrumental in promoting enrollment conversions at our current clinics offering Care.”
Care offers structured flexibility and a holistic approach that no other veterinary care plan offers. Instead of focusing on the specific service benefits included in each care plan, we focus on economic drivers so veterinarians can pivot as their patients’ health needs change, and clients still have the financial bandwidth to move forward with recommendations.
Dr. Feldman notes, “We recommend the Care Memberships to all of our patients because I can’t really think of a scenario where it wouldn’t help a patient or a client.”
Care Memberships are customized to align with your unique goals and services, making it a versatile solution suitable for clinics of all sizes and patients of all ages and species.
For more information about Care Memberships and how veterinary practices can leverage this innovative solution, please visit the Care Memberships page.