Introducing Hill’s Connect Program Powered by Otto

Putting clinics at the center of nutrition discussions for increased compliance, healthier pets, and recaptured revenue from online marketing companies.

Interested? Submit your information below and we’ll reach out to get you set up.

The majority of pet parents see their vet as the #1 source of information about their pet health…but 9 out of 10 pet parents are figuring out nutrition on their own.

Hill’s and Otto are changing this by building a complimentary, automatic program that makes it easy for pet parents to purchase your recommended pet nutrition.

How it works:

  • Your protocols are at the center. Otto uses your appointment and invoicing information to identify the right pet parents to message for each campaign below.
  • Otto sends messages automatically – providing touchpoints without burdening your team with more work.
  • Builds awareness of convenient purchasing options from your clinic – stopping pet parents from taking their purchase to bigger online stores.

Campaign #1

Hill’s to Home


Rob makes a first time purchase of a Hill’s diet for his dog, Mabel, at your clinic.


Rob gets a message 24 hours after purchasing the new diet with details on how to set up a recurring subscription.


Rob is taken to Hill’s to Home where his nutrition plan is automatically created and he can set up a subscription.

Campaign #2



Kelsey has an upcoming surgery procedure for her cat, Luna.


Kelsey gets a message the day before with post-surgery diet education content.


Kelsey wanting to purchase Hill’s i/d is automatically added to appointment notes.


Luna has an easier time recovering from surgery.

The Hill’s Recommendation Campaigns are loved by pet parents and clinics

  • Up to 75% message engagement from pet parents
  • Up to 85% Hill’s to Home registration rate
  • 7x more purchases
  • Up to $2000 more sales each month